Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Leaves are Changing Colors

... which means fall time is here, so I thought it might be appropriate to change the backround yet again.

Anyway, I'm proud to announce that I got blogger on my phone so now I can update this on the go:)

Now onto more important things...

  1. Now that it's getting colder, people are probably inside more often (unless you like the cold... weirdos). Why not make it better with music? Either you can make your own playlist of all your favorite artists (that's what I do) or you can listen to Air1 at and click on the 'Listen Now' button in the upper-left. I think you need Flash player, but other than that it's free and amazing. The music is to DIE for, and the commentaries they make in between are so inspirational (Well, right now they're doing their money drive, so it's a little annoying.) Also, if you don't want to listen to it at home, listen to it in your car!! 90.1; I listen to it every day when I'm driving to school. It really starts my day off right with Jesus in my heart and in my head:)
  2. Halloween is coming up! I would suggest not getting caught up in all the spooky-scary-ungodliness of it. It's fine to be something cute (I'm being a girl Frankenstein or a vampire), and I guess you could be some dead bloody creepy thing if you want, but that's no the point of this post. The point is not to get caught up in all the evil. Ugh, I'm doing a horrible job of getting my point across, so click here to view a cute page that has what I'm trying to say. (I'll put it on my links page too.)
  3. This has NOTHING to do with the above two points, but that's okay, because it's my blog, right? Haha, just kidding. ANYWAY, get involved with your family. I know people who don't have a good relationship with their family whatsoever, and their life at home sucks. I'm happy (and thankful) that I have a good relationship with my family. Today, for example, my little sister was messing around with me, and I just played right back with her. It's good not to have to worry about her getting on my nerves. I don't know if that makes sense, but I felt like sharing.
So that's it for now.... Stop reading and get on with your lives. Just kidding:)


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