Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cat talk

I don't have much today, so I'm going to give you random stuff I've been thinking about...

So, I hate cats, right? Well, I've discovered I'm a lot like them. (Note: I warned you this would be random.) I've "died" multiple times - not literally, of course; it's kind of a joke on my swim team that I die very easily. I've probably "died" about 18 times - so I guess I'm 2 cats put together? Anyway, the other reason I might be a cat at heart is that I hate getting wet - except in the pool, of course, but that's different. It was pouring rain today, and no thunderstorm is complete without constant loud thunder and spazzy lightning flashes. Anyway, I was in such a bad mood today because I kept getting wet. I really don't like rain - last time it rained out here (and it almost never rains where I live), I slipped and rolled my ankle. So it's not a totally pointless hatred. I have a little reason behind it.

So now I'll stop bothering you about how I might be a cat. Go sleep. I know I'm tired.

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