Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 2

Sorry it's so late, but I had to write a letter to my cousin. I love him so much. He's 11, and he sent me the sweetest letter ever a couple weeks ago. Over the summer he visited California and I taught him how to swim during his stay here. When he went back to Colorado, he was able to participate in all sorts of fun activities in Boy Scouts since he could swim. Not only that, but he competed in a 1-mile swim... Kind of. He got out after 18 laps, very frustrated and tired, but hey! I'm still proud of him! So I finally got around to writing a thank-you note for a thank-you note. Wow.
I actually got the chance to go to Wednesday night church for once! Thank you coaches for cancelling swim all week - it gives me a break from having no life. Anyway, tonight we had a guest speaker talking about homosexuality and what the Bible has to say about it. Long story short, homosexuality is a sin, but no worse than stealing or cheating or lying. They're no worse than us; we're all going to hell and would already be there - if Jesus hadn't died for our sins and forgiven us on the cross. It's the gory-est beauty I think I've ever experienced.
Well, I still have homework to do and I'm tired so...

Au revoir!

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